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Naoko Yasuda Exhibition
DAILY, ON AND ON/ Daily color, daily pottery
HEAVENS Period Tue. Oct. 4 – Sat. Oct. 15, 2016/ HORIZON Period Tue. Oct. 18 – Sat. Oct. 29, 2016
YASUDA Naoko (Artist painter, Ceramicist) YASUDA Naoko (Artist painter, Cer……
miiya exhibition, stencil and silkscreen animation movie & original picture
Rabbit of evening sky
Thu. 22 – Mon. 26 Sep. 2016 Open through the session
Yoko Yamashita Exhibition
Florlliège de vues nocturnes
Tue. Aug 9 – Sat. Sep. 17, 2016/ extra holidays from Tue. 23 to Thu. 25 Aug.
Toyoko Takemura Exhibition
Magical Afternoon──The World of Hungarian Folktale
2016 May 20 Fri. – Jun. 18 Sat. (re-prolonged) / close on Mon., extra holiday, Tue. 14, Wed. 15
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Kumiko Tanji Felt Bag Exhibition Story Carrying Bird
Sheep in Dusk, Bird in Dawn
2016 Feb. 26 Fr.i - Mar. 12 Sat.
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Finland Modern & Crafts/ wood, glass, ceramic arts &crafts, and films for 3 weeks
Slideshow, Film+Talk event & Teatime…
Finland Modern&Crafts
2016 Jan. 15 Fri −Feb. 6 Sat.
Finland is the one of the Nordic countries and in Japan, we have great fami……
Yuki Koida Exhibition
She’s going to dreamland, Russia
2015 Nov. 20th Fri. − Dec. 11st Fri.
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Sara Exhibition
Chi-sana Niwa (Small Garden)
Sep. 17 Thu. − Oct. 8 Thu.
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Naoko YASUDA Exhibition (prolonged until 22nd.Aug.)
Wed. 15 Jul. - Wed. 5 Aug. 2015
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HAPPY IS AT YOUR INITIALS! ─A to Z with double meaning, made by stencil dyeing technique.
Exhibition of Alphabet Stamps by Mihoko Seki
Mar. 6 Fri- 22 Sun. Reception party with artist, on Sat. 14 Mar.
From A to Z, 30mm×30mm small space expanding to the large wonderful world. ……