Nagisa Nakauchi Exhibition
Tropical botanica on the vintage books
prolonged until Sat. Jul.23 ( Thu. Jun 30—Wed. Jul 20 )
Friday 01, July, 2016
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Magical Afternoon──The World of Hungarian Folktale
2016 May 20 Fri. – Jun. 18 Sat. (re-prolonged) / close on Mon., extra holiday, Tue. 14, Wed. 15
Sorry, this entry is only available in 日本語.
Masayuki Hayashi Special Period/ Apr. 22 Fri.− May 14 Sat.
flowers, succulent plants, cloud and mannequins
Enjoy the world of plants, nature and aesthetics with books
Sorry, this entry is only available in 日本語.
Inger Johanne Rasmussen, Felt art works
Stitching between Dragons and Trees of Paradise
textile art/ Inger Johanne Rasmussen, stories/ Terje Nordby (2014) EN/NOR 6,800 YEN (
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